




Beiqi Foton Motor Co. (hereinafter referred as "the Company") is a cross-regional, cross-trade and cross-ownership state-holding listed company. The Company has the vision to become a world-class commercial vehicle company equipped with leading technology and leading quality. Integrity, compliant business conduct, and an internal control system that integrates business and finance are indispensable and important guarantees.


1.Basic Compliance Requirements

The Company and all its employees shall comply with laws and regulations, regulatory rules and the Company’s management system. The employee shall at the same time comply with the professional ethics.

1.1 Compliance requirements for the managerial personnel

The managerial personnel shall take the lead and set the example, always maintain a sense of risk and compliance during business development, and be responsible for acts of their own and of their subordinates.

1.2 Compliance requirements for employees

The act and behavior of every employee may externally influence the reputation of the Company, and internally influence the corporate management and the cultivation of our enterprise culture. Therefore, every employee shall abide by the values of integrity, pay attention to their own words and deeds, and have zero tolerance for any unethical or illegal behavior. All the employee shall treat people and act his or her part in good faith, respect others, constantly improve personal skills, enhance their business capabilities, and diligently fulfill their duties.

1.3 Compliance requirements for business partners

Business partners of the Company (including but not limited to suppliers, distributors and service providers) shall identify with the compliance culture of the Company, observe law and discipline, strictly prohibit corruption, avoid conflicts of interest, and support Foton to build a strong and open integrity system.


2.Applicable Scope

These compliance guidelines apply to all the employees and expatriates of the Company, its branches (business divisions), and its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Expatriates shall additionally comply with compliance regulations of the host companies.

Other participating and holding companies, and all their employees are eligible for reference.


3.Guidelines for Dealing with Business Partners and Third Parities

3.1 Anti-corruption

The Company prohibits the employees from offering or accepting bribes or other acts of corruption. Every employee shall neither directly or indirectly offer any business partner or third party inappropriate interests (including but not limited to money or any goods or services of value) in any form, nor directly or indirectly accept inappropriate interests (including but not limited to money or any goods or services of value) in any form offered by any business partner or third party.

3.2 Fair competition and Antitrust

Fair competition would contribute to fostering good market circumstances, and furthermore create greater social benefits. The commercial activities of the Company shall comply with the relevant provisions of anti-Unfair Competition Law and Anti-monopoly Law. Once the Company discovers and confirms the existence of the above behavior, it shall immediately stop and take remedial measures.

3.3 Anti-money laundering

The Company shall carefully check the identity of its customers, business partners or potential business partners, and the Company shall only conduct business with business partners that comply with the law, have a legitimate source of operating funds, and are honest and reliable. The Company shall not provide convenience for any act of money-laundering.

All the employees must comply with relevant legal and financial regulations related to cash and payments.

3.4 Export control

The Company shall comply with export control, trade control and goods embargo regulations of the United Nation and relevant countries, and guarantee that its import and export of products are in compliance with export control, trade control and goods embargo regulations.

3.5 Donation

The Company shall positively and duly contribute to society, and shoulder its corresponding social responsibilities.

Any donation and sponsorship activities carried out by the Company shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations, the Company's regulations and corresponding procedures, and shall ensure that the purpose of the donation and sponsorship activities, the recipients and the donated and sponsored items, etc. are effectively recorded.

3.6 Avoidance of conflict of interests

The Company respects the personal interests and private lives of employees, but hopes to avoid conflicts between personal interests and the interests of the Company. All employees shall take the interests of the Company as the principle when making various business decisions and avoid conflicts of interests. Employees seeking personal gain at the expense of the Company shall be prohibited.

Conflicts of interests could be including e.g. employees directly or indirectly doing businesses with the Company without its prior approval, engaging in part-time jobs interfering with the fulfillment of their job responsibilities within the Company, doing businesses in competition with those of the Company, and etc.

Without approval, employees and their close relatives shall not directly or indirectly develop loan, investment and other financial relationship with the business partners. However, the personal investment of purchasing liquid stocks of the aforementioned business partners at the secondary market is exceptionally allowed, and such stock investments shall comply with relevant laws and regulations.



Employees shall keep the confidential information of the Company and that the Company is obliged to keep in confidentiality (including but not limited to the product design and operational data of the Company, and etc.) they learn during their work. Employees shall only utilize such confidential information pursuant to their responsibilities and comply with laws, regulations and relevant requirements of the Company.


5.Information Security and Privacy Protection

Employees must comply with the relevant laws and regulations and the Company's internal regulations on information security and privacy protection, and shall not disclose, tamper, steal or use relevant information for personal gain, and truly protect the privacy information collected in accordance with the law. The permissions and procedures, etc. for use and inquiry of relevant information shall be clarified to ensure compliance.


6.Records and Reports

The Company must maintain effective measures of processes and controls, in order to keep the corporate business in compliance with laws and regulations. All the employee in the Company must guarantee that the document records involved in their work are complete, accurate and authentic.

The financial personnel shall guarantee that the account book, certificate and statement reasonably and accurately reflect transactions and disposition of the corporate assets in details, and record transactions of the Company pursuant to applicable accounting standard for business enterprises. The Company shall issue public report according to relevant commercial and legal requirements.



The Company shall continue improving the quality of its products and services, with the ideal of providing customers the best products and services and the purpose of meeting and surpassing the needs of customers.

The products produced by the Company shall comply with national laws, regulations and policy requirements, including but not limited to compliance with the requirements of the product quality law, production consistency requirements and environmental protection requirements, etc.


8.Environmental Protection and Safe Production

The Company highly values environmental protection, conservation of natural resources, and safety production, strictly complys with relevant laws and regulations on environmental protection and safety production, and continues to take a safe and environmentally friendly business development.


9.Gifts, Cash and Securities

The Company has specific regulations on the collection of gifts and securities, etc., which shall be strictly implemented in the specific business operations.


10.Prohibition of Insider Trading

The Company shall handle insider information related to transactions in accordance with relevant capital market laws and regulations, and shall not tolerate insider trading. If employees need to know insider information for business purposes, they shall comply with relevant laws and regulations of the Company on insider trading.


11.Communication Compliance

The Company attaches great importance to brand communication and shall ensure that the content of the communication is authentic and reliable, and shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.

Every employee of the Company also represents the image of the Company in communication with the outside world, and has the responsibility and obligation to maintain the image of the Company. Unless authorized by the Company, he/she shall not speak on behalf of the Company.


12.Employee Rights Protection

The Company shall provide every employee with fair work opportunities. The Company shall not discriminate against anyone, and shall not tolerate any discrimination based on ethnicity or gender. The Company shall actively create a working environment where everyone's personality can be fully developed, and establish a sound occupational health and safety system.


13.Compliance Enquiry and Report

14.1 Compliance enquiry

Legal Department provides compliance enquiry services to all the employees.

Phone number for compliance enquiry: 86-10-80710462

E-mail for compliance enquiry: fthgzx@foton.com.cn

14.2 Compliance report

The Company has set up a reporting phone and e-mail to receive compliance reports.

The Company shall keep the reports in strict confidentiality and protect the reporter or informer from retaliation, and award the reporter or informer appropriate incentives in the event of the Company’s losses being recovered. Please report or inform via the following methods:

Phone number for report:86-10-80708855

E-mail for report: fthgjb@foton.com.cn

Address: Shayang Road, Shahe County, Changping District, Beijing, 102206

Attn: Legal Department, Beiqi Foton Motor Co.,Ltd

14.3 Punishment

Any violation of these Compliance Guidelines shall be correspondingly punished to the extent of termination of labor contracts or litigations.



15.1 These Compliance Guidelines are approved by the Employee Representatives Congress and come into force on the date of issuance.

15.2 These Compliance Guidelines are the normative document with legal effects within the Company. Any mechanism, policy or rule in their parts and/or in their whole contrary to these Compliance Guidelines in their parts and/or in their whole is void.

15.3 The Company has authorized the Legal Department to compile, amend, and issue detailed rules for enforcement, instructions, or behavior guidelines of these Compliance Guidelines.

15.4 This document comes into force from the date of implementation, and the original "Foton Motor Group Criterion of Compliance Management Measures" (FTOP.10012.51.0-2017) shall be repealed at the same time.

序 言

北汽福田汽车股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)是一家跨地区、跨行业、跨所有制的国有控股上市公司,公司的愿景是“成为绿色科技和市场领先的国际化企业”,公司的使命是“为能源革命提供绿色解决方案”,公司以“绿色科技驱动能源革命 数字变革深化价值创造”为经营理念,坚持“敢闯 敢试 敢赢”的核心价值观,全力以赴为目标而战,而诚信、合规的商业行为以及业财结合的内控体系是不可或缺的重要保障。



1.1 对管理人员的合规要求
1.2 对员工的合规要求
1.3 对商业伙伴的合规要求






3.1 反腐败
3.2 公平竞争与反垄断
3.3 反洗钱
3.4 出口管制
3.5 捐赠
3.6 避免利益冲突










































17.1 合规咨询
17.2 合规举报






1 本合规准则经职工代表大会审议通过,自下发之日起正式生效。

2 本合规准则是公司具有法律效力的规范性文件,任何有悖于其部分或全部内容/与其部分或全部内容相冲突的制度、政策规定等均属无效。

3 关于本合规准则的具体实施细则、操作指南或行为指引等由公司授权法律部起草、修订并下发。

4 本文件自实施之日起执行,原《福田汽车合规准则管理办法》(FTOP.10012.51.1-2022)同时废止。 
